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The Professional’s Choice for Pre-Rig

Get ready for TAF’s PR2 rectangular pre-rig truss at ISE in Barcelona! Just head over to the TAF booth 6J550 to see the professional’s choice for storage, transport, and support of light fixtures and other equipment. Featuring, strong and stable male/female threaded fork connectors that extend up to 65 mm (2.55 in) from the main tube and allow for 0°- 12° angles without the need of corners or additional accessories. Connection kit included as standard.


Learn more here: https://eu.taf.cz/pre-rig-truss/pre-rig-truss-pr2-en


Contact us today at +420 730 893 969 or sales@taf.cz to ask for more information, request a price quote, or set a meeting during ISE.


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