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Testing Ninja Skills Over Water

Testing Ninja Skills Over Water


We recently supplied two custom Ninja Courses made from heavy-duty TAF HT34 truss to one of our long-time clients Ninja Pool. Each structure measures 11.3 meters (37 ft) long and 5.44 meters (17.84 ft) wide, with both designed to test the skills of summer ninjas over a pool of water.


TAF truss is the perfect choice for use as a ninja course, due to its portability, ease of construction, endless attachment points hanging or securing components, and a high level of safe support of kids and adults that go through the course. Since both ninja courses were used over water, the aluminum construction of TAF truss made for a perfect pairing, as it would never rust or show any ill effects from contact with water.


Standing over two portable pools, the #TrussStructures feature a wide range of attachments that include hanging pads serving as a walkway over the water, a suspended ladder, a hanging innertube, suspended rubber rings, a spinning assembly with three rings, a hanging textile grid, and more.


Working together with TAF for the design and delivery of our truss structures was very enjoyable and trouble-free. The ninja courses were a big hit with all who tested their skill above the pools. We look forward to working with TAF on more projects in the future,” said Barak Tzur, CEO of Ninja Pool.


In the months and years that follow, both ninja truss structures can support an unlimited choice of attachments, allowing them to always be fresh and exciting wherever they are set up – outdoors or indoors.


Watch the two Ninja Courses in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5JXK8yzPwA


Contact us at +420 730 893 969 or sales@taf.cz to discuss your ninja or obstacle course needs, or to request a price quote.


Learn more about our TAF HT34 truss here: https://eu.taf.cz/ft-truss/ht34







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