Highlight | Truss Aluminium Factory | Shining Green on 2025
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Shining Green on 2025

More than 2000 people from OTP Bank Serbia attended a new year’s party to celebrate the start of 2025. Serving as an impressive backdrop to the night’s activities was an ice spike truss structure bathed in green, the bank’s corporate colour.


The unique truss structure, which measured 6.5 x 10 x 6 m (21.32 x 32.8 x 19.68 ft), was designed by our valued client Chameleon to provide a distinctive look to the stage and conform perfectly to the interior space of the venue. Chameleon utilized our FT34 truss system to achieve the special ice spike angles in the design and safely support the weight of the light fixtures.


The bank’s management team and employees, along with Chameleon’s client Innovations who organized the entire event, appreciated the visual impact of the structure and the atmosphere it provided for the night’s celebrations. Needless to say, 2025 was brought in with a bang!


Click here for more information about our FT34 truss: https://eu.taf.cz/ft-truss/ft34



For inquiries about our truss systems or to discuss your next event design, feel free to contact us at sales@taf.cz or call us at +420 730 893 969.







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