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First in industry

There are several advantages that the automated aluminum truss manufacturing process brings to the table. The structures produced at the station are identical and there is very little room for production flaws. However, we still do follow the high quality standards that we claim to hold at TAF. The actual welding process is two times faster compared to the traditional hand welding of our best welders. If we take into account also the fact that the robot  works 24/7, it creates a substantial increase in the factory product volume output and speeds up the turnaround process significantly which results in again better and faster service for the customer in delivering high quality products to their premises.

We at TAF see the future of fast and high quality manufacturing processes in automatization and proper training of our workers. By developing this tailor made working station for our production needs as the first in the world, we entered the realm of the 4.0 industry and we thrive to continue in this way in the coming years. The extra level in efficiency, productivity and quality represented by this robotic welding station is a commitment for our future.

It is the first but definitely not the last step in which we plan to innovate our production.


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Truss Aluminium Factory a.s., Hodolany 1226, 779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic | Tel.: +420 588 500 834, Fax: +420 588 500 835 Privacy Policy